Two Years (& almost, but not really) Finally Moved In - The Missing Clue - August 2020

While Dominion Day came and went without much fanfare, especially given our current age, it did start the clock on a countdown that probably exists only in my head; one that runs from the first day we got the keys to 163, to the weekend seven weeks later when we opened to our first customers (even if that first weekend technically involved going back and forth from our old store to the new to pay).

Since then, it has been an ever accelerating sprint both in the store and in our private life that has left little time for reflection on what has changed since we opened in the new space: not enough shelves and too many books are still a reality we have not been able to catch up with even as we approach our second anniversary.

Reflection is nevertheless required, as one of those changes is that JMB is no longer here to write an essay to be put in the front of this newsletter.  We have grown so much in that time that many reading this may not even have experienced the professor in his chair, napping in front of the counter on a warm summer’s day (or any day, really). 

Not only have the store and the shelves changed, but so too what is on them.  We have mysteries for certain, still over 15000 of them at time of publication, and they continue to greet you as soon as you enter our space.  But along with them is the always overflowing children's section that we are thrilled so many of you are finding things for the kids in your lives (or yourselves).

In 2020, we have also broadened our non-fiction especially, first in advance of Manitoba 150 (remember that), but since the spring, especially in regard to the social issues.  This again has been in great part due to the requests of customers, but it has also allowed us to partner with groups like Black History Month Winnipeg to help support local movements for change.  We intend to continue to try and be supportive of the issues that we believe in and hope you will join us in doing so.

Speaking of Manitoba 150, the events we had hoped to share with you in 2020 have not exactly gone as we had hoped.  However, the increased space, and the variety of layouts that our mobile shelving has given us , has also given us the opportunity to do some wonderful things, which we hope to be able to return to in November with C.C. Benison (provincial health directives permitting) and to provide future space for more events of all types. 

In bringing up pandemania, it is only right that we should express our gratitude to all of you who have supported us through this period.  We have been thrilled to be able to provide reading, be it for entertainment, education, or simply evasion.  We are especially thankful for those of you who have been patient with us as we get the books into the store.  Some books have gone on long adventures on their way to us, certainly visiting more places than is safe for any of us before arriving here.

Last year we celebrated the end of year one in the new Whodunit? with our traditional celebratory tactic, the Used Book Sale.  This year, as you will see in this volume, we will not be doing so, as we do not wish to encourage gathering in such number and proximity while Manitoba does not have a handle on this virus.  You will also read about the other adaptations and limitations that we will be undertaking to keep everyone safe.

So while they are only words on a page, we do wish to celebrate this milestone by acknowledging that none of this would be possible without the support you have shown us.  Moving forward, we will continue to do our best to help you get the books you need (& hopefully also the books you simply want), however it is safest for you to get them.