Housekeeping - The Missing Clue - August 2020

Masks: An Encouragement

Starting in August, we will be encouraging masks while visiting the store.  We will have freshly laundered re-useable masks for those who need one while they visit, as well as disposable ones for those who would prefer that as an option. As with all provincial health directives, we will be moving into compliance whenever they are changed or enacted.

From a personal perspective, we would like to encourage everyone to start wearing a mask while in indoor public spaces, or in places where social distancing is not possible.  As a province, and to a lesser degree, as a country we have done well at limiting the spread of COVID.  However, for us to be able to return to the activities and lifestyles to which we had previously become accustomed, it is important for us to remain vigilant, not just for our own health, but for the health of those around us.


As more of you find youselves using our webstore (thank you), we thought we would remind you of the partnership that we have with Libro.FM. Libro is a service that supports independent booksellers by providing digital audio books, either for individual purchase or by subscription.

Audiobooks are a little outside out experience, as they have been avoided since Jack got caught so caught up listening to a Simon Brett that he found himself driving 30 km over the speed limit while on the road in Wisconsin, and got a sizeable speeding ticket.  However, we will be trying to listen more, so that we can offer more information and recommendations. 

No August Used Book Sale

Unfortunately, the conditions of the planet are making it so that we will have to delay the sale we would normally have at this time of year.  We hope to be able to offer everyone a chance at stockpiling up for the winter later in the autumn, so please stay tuned!

Upcoming Email Change

Please be aware, over the summer we will be transitioning to a new email address which will be more directly connected to the webstore ( The new address is, and it will completely replace starting August 1st.