June Introduction by Michael - The Missing Clue - June 2022

Fifteen years is a long time.

As we prepared this version of the "Missing Clue" for press, I did so with this thought often at the front of my mind. I can say with some confidence that I did not think I would be writing this introduction at all, or that I would be having much, if anything to do with the shop at this point. As is the case with many such milestones, most of us would be surprised to look back and mark the trials and tribulations of the last decade and a half and realise exactly how much has happened between Day One and Day 5,479.  But I am certain that I know that I did not envision that I would be preparing something for you all to read on, or about, Day 5,480.

Day One, at Whodunit, for the Bumsteds, was June 1, 2007, and looking back, it is remarkable at how many of you have been visiting us for at least that long, and how little some things have changed. Those of you who have customer files that go back to that day, (or before) we do hope that you know how grateful we are that you stuck with us through all these years. In fact, we have a surprise for those of you who visited us in our first June the next time you stop in. (We will also have surprises for those who stopped by in July and August of 2007 as well, as the calendar turns.)

That is not to say that we do not also value those of you who have come to read these words, or shop with us, more recently. You too are critical to the success of our little shop, and we are grateful that you have found us, and make the effort to visit us as well.  The anniversary sale in the later part of the month is for everyone, and, as we kick off our 5th year in what will long be referred to as "the new shop" at the end of August, we promise that there will be surprises aplenty for you as well.

Such an anniversary is also a stark reminder of who is no longer with us, and how much we, ourselves, have changed. I am fairly confident that none of us would have thought that after those first few days we would still be here, mostly intact, to celebrate a decade and a half of business.

Most of the last few years, in particular, have not, perhaps, been what we would have wished them to be.  Time has not passed lightly of late, and too often we have had to include messages of loss, or frustration, or restriction (or lack of restriction), in the opening pages of this newsletter. Some days, it is of heavy heart and mind that we even open up to sell books that, whether cosy or noir, mostly involve death. As failures of politicians to quell health crises, climate emergencies, and violence both domestic and international grow to take up more and more column inches of the news, it is an odd position to find oneself to be selling medical thrillers, or political ones, but most especially at present, novels that involve large amounts of gun violence. We hope that we can all collectively move forward to a place where these issues in particular return to being more likely to be read in fiction rather than in the news.

What has made it all worthwhile, however, has been you, dear reader. Whether visiting us from that first day or having only just visited us for the first time. The changes that have come into our own lives because of the shop, and because of each and every one of you are incredible (and mostly good). The direction of our lives has been made the better by being able to continue to share the books that we love with you, and to learn about the books that you love so that we can share those with others. To be able to open our doors to help you find something for yourself, or a spouse, or a child. Or to just offer you a safe space to be able to get away from a child, or a spouse, or even yourself, if only for a little while.

We are none of us the same as we were. We are hopeful that the next fifteen years however, will not only pass a little lighter, but will allow us to continue to improve who we are, what we are, and how we can be of service to those who privilege us with their business.
The sun will come out, we are forever being told. But even if it does not, there will always be books, and we are forever thankful to those who buy them from us.

MCB, June 2022