Introducing...Avi - The Missing Clue - June 2021

You don’t know me yet, but you will. And I hope, in turn, I get to know you too. I’ve been at Whodunit? for just over a month, and in that short time I’ve had the great privilege of seeing what’s so special about this place. It feels too simple to call it a store, I think “community” is more apt. It’s a place of familiarity, through and through. I’m still amazed at how Michael and Wendy seem to just know what each person who walks through the door is looking for -- sometimes before they even know themselves. I have to imagine that comes from years of experience, and most importantly, years of paying close attention to what each person likes to read. As the new addition to this community I hope you all forgive me for not yet knowing how to predict your reading habits and desires. I promise one day I’ll be ready and waiting for you to walk through that door; armed with new recommendations and reviews to share. For now, I’ll spare you a poor first attempt at those recommendations, and instead share just a bit about myself in the hopes that you all feel you know me a little better.

I’m originally from Kingston, Ontario. I moved to Winnipeg just over three years ago, after attending university in Halifax. I came here for work and for family (believe me when I say I have deep roots in this city, even though I wasn’t born here). I am, by training, a journalist and a writer. I still occasionally freelance and try to spend most of my free time working on personal writing projects.

Working at a place like Whodunit? is truly a dream come true. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I adore books! It’s hard to zero in on one specific reason or writer that drives my infatuation with the written word, but as of today some of my favourites are: Karl Ove Knausgård, Elena Ferrante, Ottessa Moshfegh, Raymond Carver, Heather O’Neill, Sally Rooney, Carl Hiaasen and Zadie Smith (to name just a few). Oh, and I’m always up for a good Jodi Picoult!

I know times are strange, and it may be a while still before we can get to know each other face to face. But in the meantime I have just one request for those of you who frequent this wonderful place: next time you stop by or call, say hi, tell me your name, and let me know who some of your favourite writers are. There are a lot of people that make this community so special, and I’m sure each of you have your own unique taste in books, but I’m up for the challenge. Thank you all for being so welcoming so far. Stay safe!