Curious Beginning to open up in 2021 - The Missing Clue - February 2021

2021 began the way that 2020 ended, with customers unable to  come inside the shop, and our province unable to battle off its worse angels as we continued to pass the novel coronavirus amongst ourselves.  As infection rates have finally begun to fall to in Winnipeg to manageable, if still unideal numbers, we have, as of the 23rd of January, been able to welcome some of you back into the shop.

We ended 2020 overwhelmed by the support that we were privileged to receive from this community and the city of Winnipeg at large.  We were especially thankful for those of you who had never even been able to be in our shop and have chosen to use us to get you the books that you desired, especially those that would be considered lesser known.  We hope that you will be able to come inside in the present (or the future), as we reset and we can continue to help you get the books you need.  For those who are not ready, or able to visit until we are post-corona, please remember that pickup and delivery are services that we have always offered, and remain available, as is shopping online at

While in person events are also still verboten, we did begin 2021 able to share with many of you another great Canadian author.  Ian Hamilton brought us great fortune by launching the new Uncle Chow book with us, and we are thrilled to hear about further titles to come, including his first stand alone novel Bonnie Jack.  We are in the midst of figuring out how to share both this event, and some of our earlier events with folk after the fact, and we will certainly let you know when such recordings are made available.  There will be more digital events made available to those who follow us on social media.

February will bring us through winter's heart.  Between now and the next newsletter, we will have more snow, and despite how much we all might try, more struggle.  Please remember that we all have agency in our day to day lives.  We are capable of enacting small changes in our own lives that can create positive impacts, both against the pandemic and the other perils we face.  We all have a critical role in creating positive change, but that it is also alright to give yourself a break.  We hope that we will be able to alleviate that, at least in part, by continuing to share books with you that illuminate, that educate, or entertain.

Deanna Raybourn - Curious Beginning

Laird Barron - Worse Angels

Darren Bernhardt - Lesser Known

Ronald Deibert - Reset

Ian Hamilton - Fortune, Bonnie Jack

Robert Jordan - Winter's Heart

Jon Banville - Snow

William Gibson - Agency

Matt Mercer – Critical Role

Katerina Vermette - The Break

Educated - Tara Westover

MCB, February 2021