Happy Holidays - The Missing Clue - December 2021

When the calendar aligns as this year has, we are often a little bit behind in our planning at Whodunit? Chanukkah arriving in November sometimes even means that this edition of the newsletter arrives in your hands after that holiday has happened.

Not so this year. While menorah candles will not be lit for very practical shop full of paper reasons, we are ready to help you celebrate whichever midwinter celebration you and yours celebrate (or for more than one if that is your tradition) between now and years end.

Of course, the other difference is that this year, you are also allowed to come inside! We will still be offering the same delivery and curbside services as we did last year for those who wish them, and we have already heard from some customers waxing nostalgic for tapping their debit card through the glass to then be handed a brown paper package through a barely opened door, but we do have to say that we are happy to be able to have you all inside to look at all that we have in store. We were so thankful for all the patience and support that you showed us last year, and we look forward to actually being able to show you what you are buying rather than only describing it by phone, or placing its dust jacket against the window for you to read, or not having to have you fake a phone call to add another book to your order when you arrive outside.

This holiday season is also seeing the return of our ARC giveaway. Many have already seen the multi-coloured packages ready for distribution, and while supplies last, we are going to be happy to be giving away nearly two years’ worth of advance reader's copies to those who spend $30 with us.

We will also be open for you longer to better allow you to stop by on your way home (or your way to your next holiday event) first until 1800h, then from the 13th onward until 2000h. And, as always, if you find yourself running late, please just get in touch, we can often stay until you arrive. We want everyone to get the books they need and to both here, and home, safely.

Not all is back to as it was, however. December 6 is going to be the deadline for Christmas orders. Even with that earlier deadline, we are not going to be able to be certain about some things arriving on time. We hope that both you and your giftees will be understanding of this, as it is something that we have very little control over, and less and less as climate emergencies in the West create non-pandemic delays.

Year-end also brings us a chance to reflect on the things that have occurred, and here at Whodunit? we have much to be overwhelmingly thankful for. Aviva joined us in the spring and has brought amazing positive energy to our mornings, and some much-needed expertise to our social media. Laura has continued to remain a stable force both in the middle and at the end/start of our weeks (never buy a Monday to Sunday calendar), a greeter of dogs and arranger of displays par excellence. They both got married (congratulations to Laura and Alex and mazel to Avi and Shane), Laura successfully defended her Masters (applause), and have both become such wonderful editions to the store and our lives.

While Sian does outsized work in the background from her home in Toronto, those of you who miss her in-store help will have a chance to get it between the 17th and 31st of December. She makes this newsletter, and most of the rest of our communications, work and while she may edit this out for space, she deserves much more credit for what she does than she gets as a result of not being present in the store as often as really anyone would like.

The one who truly does not get the credit she deserves, however, is Wendy. For some of you, because of COVID, or because she is almost always behind a pile of books on her desk, or because she does not speak to the press, she may be a mythical figure, but the boss is truly the engine that makes the store move. Without her, your books would not arrive, or be priced, or be put in accessible places. If you have seen something beautiful at Whodunit? before anywhere else, it is because Wendy has found it and brought it in. If you have discovered a new favourite author, Wendy is who figured out how to get them on our shelves, and figures out how to keep them in stock. It is amazing how our window-lined office sometimes serves as an invisibility cloak, but if you visit us in person this season, she is probably in there getting us positioned for the next one, and deserves a quick "Wassail" or two.

Finally, we need to thank all of you. Whodunit? has changed in the last three years, not just as a result of COVID. For those who miss used mysteries stacked to the ceiling, thank you for understanding that we needed to grow (and come see those piles creep higher and higher in the back). For those who have only started visiting us in our new incarnation, thank you for the opportunity to become your place for books (and the occasional puzzle). We will continue to aim to have all the mysteries anyone might want, and lots of other books besides, and if we do not have it, please just continue to ask. We want to keep making sure that you have the books you need, in this or any other season!

MCB, November 28th, 2021

(Editor’s Note: Michael should know me better than to think I would ever edit out praise, but also that I wouldn’t take the opportunity here to send some back his way. I don’t necessarily need to tell you about all the things Michael does because it should be apparent to anyone who has set foot in the store. No one could replace our dad but as the above essay ably shows, Michael is doing an amazing job of carving out his own legacy at Whodunit. Mum and I are deeply appreciative for his steady presence these last 22 months while we navigate a world without Jack. SEB)