Housekeeping from Michael - The Missing Clue - October 2020


We are all aware that the city of Winnipeg has tightened up in an effort to fight COVID. As such, the government now mandates that masks are to be worn indoors in public spaces. We will continue to enforce any government regulations, and we ask that you do your part to help keep yourselves, and us, as healthy as possible.

We encourage any of you who may want to reduce your own risk to get in touch with us to order books or use the webstore. We still offer free delivery, curbside collection, and worldwide shipping.

Book Club

Book Club will finish 2020 with digital meetings in October and November. How 2021 will proceed will be determined when we all have a better sense of the world.

New Email

We have transitioned to a new email address to be more directly connected to the webstore ( The new address is, and it has completely replaced If you have emailed and not received a response, please double check the email you used and try again with the new address.

CC Benison Launch

We had hoped that by this point, we would also be able to host an in store launch for the long awaited conclusion to the Father Christmas series The Unpleasantness at the Battle of Thornford. At this point, we are unable to say what that could look like, or whether it will be possible at all.  We will contact the subscribers to this newsletter if an event becomes possible, and hope that we will be able to safely celebrate with all of you.

What we do know is that many of you have already asked us to reserve you copies, and that we intend to have signed, or personalised copies for everyone who needs one this holiday season. Get in touch with us, and we will make sure that your copy of the book comes to you with the correct dedication.

Digital Events

As some of you have already learned, and participated in, we are being given the opportunity to provide tickets to digital events.  While they are not the same as being in the store all together, you can get the chance to join in to hear authors who rarely, if ever come to Winnipeg. Stay tuned to our social media, and in store displays for chances to participate in these.