That's right! As some of you have already heard, we will be moving the store this spring/summer. All the way from our current address at 165 Lilac St to [drumroll please]...163 Lilac St. Next door!
While there will be more details that we have not fully worked out, and others that will no doubt come up that we cannot predict, the things we can tell you now are as follows:
1) This moves allows us to be twice as big, without having to leave the neighbourhood.
2) It means that there will be more space for us to display what we have, and stock more of what you, the customers, want.
3) It will provide us with a better space to host more events, both public and private, on a more regular basis.
We would like to thank you, our newsletter subscribers, first and foremost, because it is your support that has allowed this to happen. By shopping with us, telling us what you do and do not like, and participating in the events and promotions that we have run in the past you have made it so that growing the store not only seemed possible, but necessary. We look forward to your continued support in the future as we move into this exciting new phase.
Obviously, these changes will have effects that we cannot predict, but we are thrilled that we are going to be moving forward into this exciting new phase for Whodunit?